Decentralization & Data Availability

Decentralized Public Layer2

TPA operates as a decentralized public layer2, embracing the ethos of openness and decentralization that is the hallmark of blockchain technology. This architecture relies on a secure network of permissionless validators utilizing Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. The beauty of a public blockchain lies in its transparency, allowing anyone to observe, publish, and scrutinize network activities, which is a fundamental element of true decentralization.

In TPA case, its PoS-based public network thrives on an incentive-driven mechanism that encourages user participation and ensures the vitality of the network. Validators play a pivotal role in TPA Layer2 activities, making it a robust choice for those seeking a genuinely decentralized and democratically governed blockchain.

The significance of this approach cannot be overstated, as public blockchains with a substantial number of active participants are inherently more secure and resilient against data breaches, cyber threats, and other cybersecurity vulnerabilities. A large and diverse participant base bolsters security.

TPA, situated as a distinct decentralized execution layer between L1 and L2 solutions and the application layer, acts as a "decentralized backend," augmenting the capabilities of existing EVM smart contracts and unlocking new horizons for Web 3.0, particularly in the realm of GameFi.

TPA's permissionless nature means that anyone can join the network. All blockchain nodes are granted equal access rights, enabling them to create and validate blocks of data. This approach promotes openness and inclusivity.

One of TPA's unique features is its compatibility with sidechains. However, it addresses common issues associated with centralized sidechains, such as potential manipulation by the controlling entity and the risk of a single point of failure. TPA tackles these challenges by enhancing Optimistic Rollup with its extensions. L2 sidechain transactions are validated by Central-Layer validators, ensuring equitable distribution. Additionally, instant data synchronization ensures data availability, with L2 state machines syncing almost immediately with L1. This approach enhances security and resilience while mitigating the risks associated with centralized sidechains.

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