Ecosystem Design

Unity-Layer (Layer 2)โ€‹

High-Speed Optimistic Rollupsโ€‹

While typical Optimistic rollups rely on a trust mechanism to validate fraudulent transactions through fraud-proof submissions from an unspecified group of participants, TPA Optimistic rollups introduce a dual trust framework. This framework hinges on two key elements: the Unity Builder, responsible for operating the Unity-Layer (Layer 2), and the Appointed Verifier for fraud-proof validation.

In the TPA ecosystem, users place their trust in content providers' ability to develop and maintain sustainable and secure content. The Unity Builder assumes this crucial role by establishing trust through sustainable content operations. As all transactions remain verifiable, the Unity Builder faces formidable barriers to dishonest behavior, reinforcing the network's resistance to tampering. Moreover, Unity Builders have the option to designate one or more Appointed Verifiers during Unity construction. These Verifiers, driven by financial incentives and their own established trust as independent third parties, undertake the responsibility of validating Rollups.

One notable distinction in TPA approach is the elimination of the 7-day challenge period, allowing for near-instant transaction approval, aligning with the efficiency of Web2 products. This unrivaled speed sets TPA apart as one of the fastest blockchain and Layer 2 solutions available.

Additionally, TPA enhances data availability by storing all data in the Central-Layer, ensuring resilience even in scenarios where the Unity-Layer may face disruptions, as data can be fully restored without compromise.

Private Layer 2, Not Private Blockchainโ€‹

To address the complexities of the Web3 landscape effectively, we determined that the incorporation of Layer 2 technology into blockchain games offers the most favorable solution, surpassing the implementation of a Private Sidechain, particularly concerning Data Availability, Scalability, and Transaction Speed. Given the paramount importance of preserving game assets permanently within blockchain games, Layer 2 technology emerges as the optimal choice. Through the implementation of rollups, all data within Layer 2 seamlessly mirrors onto Layer 1. Consequently, even in situations where Layer 2 experiences disruptions, the data remains technically assured for restoration, provided that Layer 1 remains operational, achieving a high level of data availability. In contrast, the technical assurance of data restoration in a private sidechain setup is not guaranteed.

Thanks to private Layer 2 transaction speed, users can experience the same seamless experience as traditional online games on Web2, which existing blockchain solutions cannot provide.

Support for ZK-rollups and New Technologiesโ€‹

While we acknowledge that various Layer 2 solutions hold potential for TPA, our current support is exclusively directed towards Optimistic rollups. It is our belief that, as the evolution of Ethereum's scaling solutions advances, we will strategically introduce additional apt technologies when the timing aligns appropriately.

Enhanced Security Against Scamsโ€‹

The Central-Layer is dedicated to the secure and stable storage and transfer of data, without enabling direct application execution. Unity Builders, responsible for overseeing the Unity-Layer, possess the flexibility to configure it as permissioned, semi-permissioned, or permissionless, with varying levels of restrictions on deployed dApps. Through their authority, Unity Builders can effectively curtail fraudulent projects and promote the integration of high-quality dApps, fostering an environment of trust and enabling them to extend invitations to a diverse range of users to participate in their Unity Layer.

Central-Layer (Layer 1)โ€‹

High Network Stabilityโ€‹

The block time is configured at 15 seconds, mirroring Ethereum's block time, providing ample time for data transmission to nodes distributed across the globe. Within the Central-Layer, robust resilience is established, capable of seamlessly accommodating the connection of thousands of Unity-Layers without susceptibility to network failures stemming from node issues.

High Scalabilityโ€‹

As a fundamental principle, the Central-Layer is reserved exclusively for Token, NFT, Bridge, and Rollup contracts, with the bulk of network activity concentrated within the Unity Layer. In exceptional cases, specific contracts may find deployment on the Central-Layer, contingent upon governance authorization. However, such contracts remain subject to governance oversight, preserving the blockchain's overall stability. Furthermore, when transitioning Unity-Layer transactions to the Central-Layer, rollup mechanisms are employed to minimize the volume of transactions directed to the Central-Layer. This strategic approach empowers scalability without necessitating an upsurge in Unity-Layer transactions as a precondition.

High Data Availabilityโ€‹

Data pertaining to transactions within the Unity-Layer (Layer 2) is mirrored onto the Central-Layer (Layer 1), ensuring that every occurrence within the Unity-Layer remains subject to verification.


TPA is an environmentally friendly blockchain that doesnโ€™t consume energy unnecessarily because of its PoS-based consensus mechanism, so the cost of gas fees for developers will be minimal.

Last updated