Initial Token Allocation

Initial Token Allocation

The total initial supply is 1,000,000 TPA tokens which will be distributed according to the following allocations.

Public Sale (15%): Allocate 150,000 $TPA tokens for a public token sale event, which may include initial exchange offerings (IEOs) or token launchpad sales.

Liquidity Provision and Rewards (8%): Reserve 80,000 $TPA tokens for liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Implement a liquidity mining program where users can stake $TPA tokens and earn rewards.

Ecosystem Development (10%): Allocate 100,000 $TPA tokens for ecosystem development, which includes partnerships, marketing, and ecosystem expansion.

Staking Rewards (10%): Reserve 100,000 $TPA tokens for staking rewards, encouraging token holders to participate in governance and secure the network.

Community and User Incentives (5%): Allocate 50,000 $TPA tokens for community-building efforts, such as airdrops, rewards, and engagement programs.

Founders' Fund (5%): Allocate 50,000 $TPA tokens as a separate fund to reward the founders and early contributors as the project matures.

Strategic Partnerships (5%): Reserve 50,000 $TPA tokens for forming strategic partnerships with other projects, gaming companies, or blockchain platforms.

Developer Grants (10%): Allocate 150,000 $TPA tokens to a developer grant program. Offer grants to game developers who propose innovative game concepts and commit to building on the TPA network. Grants can cover development costs, marketing expenses, and initial liquidity provision to kickstart their projects.

Incentive Pools (9%): Create developer incentive pools comprising 100,000 $TPA tokens. Reward game developers based on the popularity and success of their games within the TPA ecosystem. The more users and engagement a game generates, the larger the rewards for the developers.

Development Bounties (9%): Allocate 100,000 $TPA tokens to a bounty program designed to encourage specific game development tasks or features. Developers can earn bounties for completing tasks like integrating their games with the TPA platform, optimizing performance, or creating in-game assets.

Revenue Sharing (5%): Dedicate 50,000 $TPA tokens to a revenue-sharing program. Allow game developers to earn a portion of the fees generated from in-game transactions conducted with $TPA tokens. This incentivizes developers to create engaging and monetizable games within the ecosystem.

Developer Staking Pools (9%): Create staking pools specifically for game developers, with 100,000 $TPA tokens allocated to these pools. Developers can stake their tokens in these pools to participate in governance and earn rewards, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the platform's success.

Last updated