Create Your Game on TPA


Developing a game involves intricate interactions and demands substantial network processing power. Game servers often require robust cloud computing capabilities or impressive scalability. When conceptualizing TPA , our foremost priority was to tailor it for optimal gaming performance. We noticed that many blockchain networks were designed with general-purpose utility in mind, lacking the fine-tuning necessary for gaming.

Typically, these multi-purpose chains serve diverse purposes and cater to a broad user base, utilizing shared networks that can pose challenges for game operators. In particular, when sharing networks with unrelated transactions like automated bot activities, game operators contend with unwanted transaction loads.


Streamlined Public Chain Infrastructure

Game companies frequently maintain their own servers or integrate cloud services into their gaming infrastructure. TPA simplifies this integration process with a dedicated blockchain.

Dedicated TPS for Developers

Common EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) chains typically offer Transaction Per Second (TPS) limits in the range of 3,000 to 4,000. Additionally, the inherent constraints of EVM's single-core rendering, even in multi-core settings, can result in network instability. From a developer's perspective, by concentrating transactions within a single version of TPA Chain or consolidating multiple versions into a unified model, a substantial increase in TPS to 10,000 can be achieved, surpassing the 3,000-4,000 TPS limits of other chains.

Decentralization Enhanced with a Swift Module

TPA L2 layer is equipped with dispersion capabilities from the Hub Layer, the most critical blockchain layer responsible for security.

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